Teacher Fellowship Program 2023
Teachers learning with and from the best

Teachers have highly complex roles and care deeply for students in their charge. They continuously learn, apply, analyse, synthesise and evaluate while administering, directing, responding, creating and communicating with insight and humour.
ISV’s Teacher Fellowship Program aims to recognise the best of these teachers and create a community of practitioners across schools to learn with and from the best.
This program is aimed at high performing educators who are currently classroom teachers in a middle leadership role or are aspiring leaders.
Successful applicants will have an opportunity to:
- Lead a school-based professional learning initiative aligned to your school’s specific interests, framed as action research.
- Lead a Teacher Inquiry Group of up to 18 teachers from Independent schools
- Access the equivalent of three days of professional learning in leadership, team development, inquiry and adult learning
- Join with others in a facilitated network to share experiences, problem-solve and troubleshoot issues
- Contribute to associated action research.
Teacher Fellowships are an adjunct appointment for 1 year. Fellows continue to work at their school and take on the associated responsibilities in addition to their teaching role.
Teacher Fellows will also be eligible to apply for the ISV/Deakin Professional Practice Credential in Collaboration for their engagement with the program.
- Develop your skills as a leader
- Deepen your knowledge about learning and teaching
- Build your expertise in teacher inquiry
- Connect with others who share your passion
- Broaden your professional networks
- Be strategic about your career development
- Understand how adults learn best
- Earn accreditation for new skills
A three-way partnership
ISV’s Teacher Fellowship Program is a three-way partnership.
Expressions of interest for 2023
We are currently seeking expressions of interest from 2 educators from each school who are keen to increase their skills in inquiry, classroom practice and leadership.
It is important that they have the capacity to volunteer their time and energy into this initiative – their engagement and willingness to commit for a full year are key to successful outcomes.
Expressions of interest are open until Sunday 20 November 2022.
More information
Aine Maher
Ambassador, Education Services, ISV
(03) 9825 7226
David Burton
Principal Consultant, ISV
(03) 9825 7200