Southern Cross Program
Streamline your school processes.

Bring a distinct challenge or opportunity facing your school to the table and work with experienced facilitators from ISV and the American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC). Together we’ll ensure your solutions and initiatives are grounded in world-class best practice for process and performance improvement.
ISV’s Southern Cross Program is designed to support your school to streamline processes and improve productivity to free up precious staff and financial resources. This can lead to greater staff satisfaction and, ultimately, better student outcomes.
Southern Cross is full of practical strategies to help schools:
- define and clarify a significant process challenge or opportunity
- empower staff to instigate change and continuous improvement
- align your school’s vision with day-to-day operations
- maximise resources and improve efficiency
- develop an action plan and implement solutions.
ISV offers Southern Cross to schools through the APQC – a leading authority in benchmarking, best practices, process and performance improvement.
The full program cost is $15,000 per team. However, support provided by the Victorian Government’s ‘Learning for Life Program for Non-Government Schools’ and the Commonwealth Government’s ‘Reform Support Fund’ allows for up to 20 schools to participate at no cost.

What’s your school’s unique challenge or opportunity?
Every school is unique. That’s why Southern Cross enables your school to bring a distinct challenge or opportunity to the table.
School teams will work with experienced facilitators from the APQC and ISV to ensure your project or initiative is grounded in world-class best practice in process and performance improvement.
Over 140 school teams have been involved in Southern Cross since 2011. The project possibilities are open, but preference is given to those geared towards enhancing student outcomes as a result of improved school processes.
More information
Peter Roberts
Head of School Services, ISV
(03) 9825 7211