ISV welcomes appointment of new Victorian Minister for Education
Monday 27 June 2022

Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) today congratulated Natalie Hutchins on her appointment to the important portfolio of Victorian Minister for Education.
ISV Chief Executive Michelle Green said she was looking forward to working closely with Ms Hutchins in the interests of all Victorian school students, including the 158,000 enrolled in 235 diverse Independent schools across the state.
‘Ms Hutchins brings a wealth of ministerial and parliamentary experience to the education portfolio, and we look forward to building on the productive relationship forged with her predecessor and earlier education ministers from both sides of politics,’ Ms Green said.
‘The cornerstone of this relationship has been the strong recognition of non-government schools as essential partners in an education system that involves government, Independent and Catholic schools.’
Ms Green reiterated her thanks to Ms Hutchins’ predecessor Mr James Merlino, who is stepping down after announcing he will not seek re-election at the Victorian general election in November.
Media contact
Shane Green
Policy and Editorial Advisor
Independent Schools Victoria
0428 670 392