StrategyStory for Schools
Transform your school through the power of strategy and storytelling.

Strategy isn’t just something that you’ve got, it’s something you do. Too often strategies don’t work because people aren’t engaged; at worst, they’re alienated from the vision they could help to achieve.
StrategyStory for Schools creates powerful and engaging strategies tailored to the distinct needs of Independent schools. It weaves together the intellectual focus of strategic logic with the emotional power of 21st century storytelling.
- Learn how your StrategyStory can transform your school.
- Find new ways to get your whole school on board with a powerful strategy to prepare for the future.
- Build the story of your school together to achieve the results you want.
- Create your StrategyStory.
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More information
Aynur Simsirel
Principal Consultant, School Improvement
(03) 9825 7285
0427 158 611