Federal Election 2022
Independent Schools Victoria's political engagement in the lead up to the election.

Independent Schools Victoria welcomes the shared commitment of the two major political parties to fundamental principles of crucial importance to Independent schools.
Both sides contesting the 2022 Federal election agree that Independent schools are central pillars of the Australian education system, alongside government and Catholic schools; that parents have a right to choose a school that best meets the needs of their children; and that all schools are entitled to government support based on need.
While these principles are not contested by the major parties, there are practical issues a newly elected government will have to address.
These include:
- The need for long-term funding certainty so that Independent schools can confidently plan ahead, including measures to address the negative impact on some schools of the new federal funding methodology
- Action to address the mental health and emotional wellbeing of students and school staff, many of whom have been under extraordinary additional stress due to disruption caused by COVID-19
- Support for ISV and interstate counterpart associations to ensure we can assist the implementation of national educational reforms and issues of national significance in Independent schools.
It’s possible that additional issues could emerge in the remaining weeks of the campaign. Our aim is to protect the autonomy and diversity of our Member Schools.
ISV Chief Executive Michelle Green elaborates on the election issues at stake for Independent schools in her Perspectives Blog:

Special edition of isPodcast
Shane Green talks with ISV Chief Executive Michelle Green ahead of the federal election about the issues that matter to Independent schools, before and after polling day.
Political engagement
We are directly communicating with as many election candidates in Victoria as we practically can.
We will provide them with essential facts and figures about the role and importance of the Independent school sector, with specific reference to the schools in their respective electorates.
We’re also working with our interstate and national counterparts on coordinated communications activities, include direct engagement with the Acting Education Minister, Mr Stuart Robert, and his Opposition counterpart, Ms Tanya Plibersek.
Our key messages and other communications material will also be shared on our social media channels.
Exclusive political briefing presented by Paul Kelly
Nationally, ISV has collaborated with Independent Schools Australia and the Association of Independent Schools of New South Wales to host an exclusive political briefing presented by Paul Kelly, one of Australia’s foremost political analysts and commentators.
In this Zoom presentation, Mr Kelly will provide an informed outline of the political landscape, with a particular focus on issues affecting education and the Independent sector.
ISV Chief Executive Michelle Green will moderate questions in the session, which will also hear from ISA Chief Executive Officer Margery Evans on the key election issues facing the Independent school sector.
The event will be held on:
- Wednesday 11 May 2022 | 4.00-5.00pm (AEST)
- Via Zoom: Click here to join at time of meeting. Webinar ID: 929 1895 6281
Add this meeting to your calendar.
Victorian Independent schools – at a glance
Supporting your political engagement
ISV staff are on hand to assist you in any local political engagement you and your school community want to undertake.
We can provide you with school-related data relevant to your area, facts at a glance, talking points, and contact details for candidates.
Please contact ISV’s Chief Executive Michelle Green via the link below if you require any assistance.
Speaking up for Independent education
Since 1949, Independent Schools Victoria has been dedicated to diversity and choice in education. Through advocacy and support, we help families access schools that match the needs and values of every student.
The following sources of information can help keep you and your school community informed on election issues related to education.
- Media releases:
- Boosting teacher training is good for education (9 May)
- Call on candidates to support choice in education (22 April)
- Federal Election 2022: What the major parties promise
- Federal Election Statement
- General policy information
- Statements on youth policy, including education
- Expanding education programs to raise school standards
- Response to Independent Schools Australia (ISA) from the Coalition (3 May)
- Mr Robert’s speech at ISA National Education Forum 2022, Canberra
- Acting Education Minister Robert’s website
- Response to Independent Schools Australia (ISA) from the Labor Party (11 May)
- General policy information: Anthony Albanese – Media Centre
- Relevant policy announcements:
- Interview on ABC Insiders: Tanya Plibersek, Shadow Education Minister (8 May)
- Tanya Plibersek’s website