Data and Analytics
New tools to support your school’s financial viability.

Assessing financial sensitivity to external shocks
The experience of COVID-19 has shown us that external shocks to schools and their operating environments can challenge their financial viability and future.
In response, ISV is developing an online risk assessment tool – in partnership with renowned financial experts from the USA.
This new tool will help schools assess their susceptibility to external shocks and provide an important metric for measuring their financial health.
It will offer schools insights into how they are operating financially and provide information on possible future areas of focus.
New funding calculator for schools
ISV is taking our successful funding calculator and turning it into an interactive, online calculator for schools to determine how changes in their enrolments and other funding variables will impact their finances.
This tool will be essential for business managers and financial directors to determine their budgets in the years to come.
More information
Michael Noonan
Head of Research & Technology
Independent Schools Victoria