Amazing art

2 min read
I never cease to be amazed at the innovative, inspiring and insightful art created by young people.
Independent Schools Victoria is counting down the days until the opening of two extensive exhibitions by school students attending Independent schools across Victoria.
For almost a decade Independent Schools Victoria has run an arts exhibition program – that’s nearly 2000 artworks exhibited including paintings, sculpture and digital art. The artists are from early years to year 12. Our annual art exhibition gives young artists an opportunity to showcase to a public audience their work – and this year some will be exhibited in a special exhibition attended by International and Australian arts educators.
The International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) is meeting in Melbourne this July. Delegates will be able to see 150 artworks from 74 Independent schools from across Victoria. The showcase includes a variety of media, themes and techniques, as well as digital art, chosen by schools to represent their approach to arts education.

Independent Schools Victoria is also making a presentation to the 500 conference delegates on the value of student art exhibitions for learning outcomes.
Research shows that arts programs can improve educational outcomes across all subjects. Students are more engaged in learning because their self-esteem is increased. They have greater confidence in themselves and the contribution they can make, which helps them to be more positive. Working co-operatively as a team improves social and communication skills. These are just some of the reasons we are strong supporters of the arts.
Creating Connections, the exhibition for the InSEA conference, is open to the public at Shell House, 1 Spring Street Melbourne during business hours, Monday to Friday, from 3 July to18 July.
To see our annual exhibition go to Shell House during business hours from 29 July to August 29.
Further information about InSEA 2014 visit