Education for educators
World-class learning for schools and teachers begins here.

Innovation Design Lab for Learning

The Innovation Design Lab for Learning is ISV’s learning hub.
The Design Lab creates and embeds the best research and evidence-based experiences with leading local and global partners. We provide opportunities to consolidate core skills, deepen your understanding of contemporary learning and give you the space to be part of emerging practice.
Experience the benefits of the Design Lab in the Development Centre at our offices in West Melbourne, online through isLearn or with customised professional learning to support your school’s needs.
Our training, conference and meeting rooms are also available for hire.
Professional learning
Programs and Partnerships
Creating opportunities and fostering connections.
ISV supports teachers and students through our forward-thinking professional learning programs and partnerships. Our research and understanding of modern learning helps us guide member schools towards new opportunities every day.
Through our programs, schools can collaborate with other educators across the Independent sector and develop deeper learning among their own staff. ISV partners with eminent organisations, such as Harvard University, to enrich the professional learning of member schools for the benefit of every student.
Teaching Practice
Strategy and transformation
Learning how the brain works.
Learning how to learn for cognitive enhancement.
Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers (HALT)
Recognition you deserve for the profession you love.
A fresh approach to design thinking.
Leading from the Centre 2.0
Strengthen your school’s centre leadership.
Leading Learning that Matters
Develop a unique vision for learning at your school.
Learning Innovations Laboratory – Education (LILAed)
A collaborative learning lab for school Principals.
Principals' Leadership Academy
Advance your leadership development.
Principals Connect
Sharpen your vision as a school leader.
Give every student a voice that is heard.
Southern Cross
Streamline your school processes.
Teacher Fellowship Program
Teachers learning with and from the best.
Inspire students to live with purpose and belonging.
Reignite series

Reignite series: Thriving with purpose in an uncertain world
Reignite is a series of thought-provoking online events to reinvigorate educational aspirations and inspire thoughtful practices for preparing young people to engage in our complex contemporary world.
Join us for the next Fireside chat on Wednesday 8 March 2023 when Professor Sandra Milligan (The University of Melbourne) will explore key lessons from the pandemic and how schools can future proof students to thrive in an uncertain world.
Teaching Excellence Program 2023

The Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership Teaching Excellence Program (TEP) is for highly skilled teachers from government, Catholic and Independent schools across Victoria.
Developed in collaboration with representatives from each sector, the program seeks to strengthen and extend evidence-based teacher practice across the state for teachers in all school settings.
Through the Teaching Excellence Program teachers will have an opportunity to deepen teaching excellence and advance their professional practice through disciplinary knowledge, the science of learning and contemporary pedagogies.
Applications for the next intake in 2023 are now closed.